3 Critical Questions You Need to Ask Yourself to Get Jawdropping Marketing Results
By Wendy Niven • October 11
Is your marketing really working? Are new clients calling you? If they aren’t, you may have simply missed the mark when it came to identifying your brand and planning your marketing strategy. Here are some tips on how to get jaw-dropping results.
First you have to ask yourself these 3 questions: 1. Why do people go to the dentist? 2. When people are choosing a dentist, why would they choose you? 3. What makes someone decide they need a dentist and pick up the phone?
These are easy questions to answer, but they’re not easy to answer right and, if you don’t answer them right, you’ll miss your mark as far as successful marketing goes.
Let’s tackle question 1. Why do people go to the dentist?
Bad answer: Because they need dental treatment Good answer: Because they want to be healthy
Bad answer: Because they want to get their teeth whitened Good answer: Because they want to look better
Get it? It’s not the treatment they want, it’s the benefit of the treatment. We call that the emotional motivator. People connect to emotions much more easily than to things. Marketing is psychology. If you can figure out what what’s going on in your potential patient’s mind then you’ll be able to give them what they want. Then they’ll do what you want, make that appointment for your treatment.
OK. Now for question 2: When people are choosing a dentist, why would they choose you?
OK, that’s an easy one! Because you have a great practice, your staff are professional, your training is top-notch and you are a great dentist. That’s great, but so are a lot of other dentists. Probably a lot of dentists in your city or state. So… that answer to the question is really what makes you different? What makes you special? What sets you apart from the others? The question isn’t as easy as it sounded at first. This one takes a LOT of thought.
Last but not least, question 3. What makes someone pick up the phone and call you?
Well, let’s say you’ve got ads in several city newspapers, a pretty website that you paid a lot of money for, and maybe some brochures you hand out in various places. Let me ask you a question. When you see a brochure, visit a website, or read an ad, what compels you to act? Especially when the product in question is a service. I’d put some serious money on, “when there’s something in it for me”. That’s the answer! When there is something of value, a coupon, a deal, a freebie of some sort. For a dental practice, the freebie could be an e-book, a free consultation or a diagnostic questionnaire.
Let’s face it, compared to selling products like clothes, sports equipment or shoes, or even services like massage therapy or hair stylists, no one really likes to go to the dentist. Unless they have to, they’d much rather stay away. So… how do you entice a new patient to invest in an optional treatment, like cosmetic dentistry or adult braces? A bigger question you might like an answer for is how do you educate new patients on how dentistry can help resolve health issues like sleep apnea or TMJ, or simply how regular dental care contributes to overall good health.
If you are having trouble finding the right answers for your area, business and personality, don’t be dismayed. Getting the right answers is an in-depth process that requires serious research and insight. Your dental brand must be as unique as you. That’s really the only way you can differentiate yourself and your practice from the rest.
R U ready to do things differently?
Why not take a deeper look. Download our E-book, “The 12 Biggest Marketing Mistakes”. It will help you start the thinking process to get the right answers. Once you get them, you’ll start connecting to new patients who need your expertise.
Jawdrop Dental marketing: http://jawdropdentalmarketing.com/ R U ready to do things differently? Why not take a deeper look. Download our E-book, “The 12 Biggest Marketing Mistakes”. It will help you start the thinking process to get the right answers. Once you get them, you’ll start connecting to new patients who need your expertise.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Wendy_Niven/1721275